Because of pure nature plant, add chemical material any, if product this can dye product form a complete set with plant, it will be a great washing revolution. 由于是纯天然的植物,没有添加任何化学物质,该产品如能与植物染色产品配套,将是一次重大的洗涤革命。
I wonder whether you will go on import some advanced technology and complete plant. 我想了解一下贵方是否继续引进先进技术和成套工厂设备。
Complete Plant import and Export Corporation 成套设备进出口公司
Mr smith, it's true the complete plant we intend to buy is not small, but I'm afraid you are too modest when you say it is beyond the financial capability of your Corp. 司密斯先生,我们所要买的这个成套设备是不小,但你要说你们公司的财务负担不了,那恐怕是过谦了吧?
Ltd has been the ODM supplier for different companies at home and abroad, and it is the best selection for Complete Plant Corporations and Intermediaries. 因而天惠电气承担了国内外各大企业的ODM供应商,也是各成套企业和中间商的最佳选择。
How long will it take to complete the plant? 设备完成需要多长时间?
Please complete a Plant Profile for each. 每个生产地点都应填写一张“工厂情况表”。
China National Complete Plant Export Corporation 中国成套设备出口公司
This Paper briefly describes the research and development production technology of complete fly ash haydite, and also introduces the design of the complete fly ash haydite plant. 本文结合首钢建设自备热电站,对全粉煤灰陶粒的研究试制、生产工艺和全粉煤灰陶粒厂的设计作简要介绍。
The general situation of longan and the main points of making longan wine are introduced. Please complete a Plant Profile for each. 浅述了龙眼的概况及发酵成龙眼酒的工艺要点。每个生产地点都应填写一张工厂情况表。
The policy of introducing advanced technology mainly means import some complete plant. 引进先进技术的政策主要是为了进口一些成套工厂设备。
However, a complete understanding of any plant system requires a knowledge of both the cellular components that carry out the processes observed and of the genes which encode those components. 然而对任何植物系统的全面认识都需要搞清所观察各种过程中的细胞组分和编码这些组分的基因。
Thus, a stem section can regenerate roots and leaves to achieve a complete, functional plant and single cells can be caused to form an entire new embryo. 因此,一个茎段能再生出根和叶形成功能健全的完整植株;一个单细胞可以形成一个完整的新胚。
The research of abnormal vibrancy phenomenon about the circulating water pump in the complete sealed plant 全密度装置循环水泵的异常振动现象研究
Chemical Cleaning of Industrial Equipment and Complete Plant 工业设备与装置的化学清洗
After root reduction, the cluster bud can be grow into complete plant, the breeding cycle were shortened greatly. 丛生芽经过生根诱导后就可以形成完整植株,从而极大的缩短了繁殖周期。
In this paper the structure and principle of a marine microcomputer network type monitor/ control system for complete automatic power plant have been described. 介绍一种舰船用微机网络型全自动电站监控系统的结构及控制原理.该系统实现了不同种类电源供电自动联锁;
This paper analyzes the potential failure modes of shell gasifiers and urea synthetic columns, which are very important equipments in large scale fertilize, to support the risk assessment research for complete plant. 本论文针对大化肥装置中的重要设备&谢尔气化炉和尿素合成塔进行研究,对其可能发生的失效进行分析,是成套装置风险评价技术研究的重要组成部分。
The chemical cleaning of industrial equipments and complete plant, including the aim and meaning, the breed and choice of cleaning chemicals and corrosion inhibitors, the process, the choice of occasion and the development direction of chemical cleaning is summarized. 论述了工业设备与装置的化学清洗,包括化学清洗的目的和意义、清洗剂的品种及其选择、缓蚀剂的品种及其选择、化学清洗工艺、化学清洗时机的确定以及化学清洗的发展趋势等。
The first large type of complete impregnation plant for the paper power cable which is designed and produced by ourselves is presented in this paper. 本文叙述了我国自行设计、制造的第一台大型纸绝缘电力电缆-浸渍成套设备;
Histological studies showed: apical meristems undifferentiation of some abnomal embryos was one of factors which affect production of complete plant. 对成熟处理过的体细胞胚的组织学研究表明,形态学上苗端未分化是形态不正常胚不能形成完整植株的原因之一。
The complete investigation of the plant resources and their distribution and succession in the region will provide the scientific basis for protecting the plant resources in the region. 查清塔里木河流域下游植物资源的数量和分布区的变迁,为该地区的植物资源保护提供科学依据。
Techno-economic Evaluation on Complete Set of Plant for Producing 2000m~ 2/ a Ceramic Inorganic Membrane 2000m~2/a无机陶瓷膜成套装置技术经济评价
Therefore, every protocorm can grow up a complete plant with the root and leaves. 原球茎再经过生根,长出新叶,则分化形成完整的植株。
Structure and Principle of Network Type Monitor/ Control System for Complete Automatic Power Plant 微机网络型全自动电站监控系统的结构及其控制原理
By a serial of alternation into differentiation medium, the protoplast underwent into a complete plant and was successful in transplanting. 经一系列变换不同分化培养基的培养再生成完整植株并移栽成活。
Complete plant leaves were gained by dealing with the binary image through morphological and region labeling algorithms. 2. 利用形态学方法和基于区域标记的算法对分割后的二值图像进行处理,获得完整的植物叶片图像。
Wood cellulose as the main ingredient in agricultural and forestry biomass is the most abundant renewable resource in the land, it is not only the treasure of valuable natural polymer materials, but also the reserves of rich chemical energy and relatively complete plant nutrients. 以木质纤维素为主要成份的农林生物质是陆地上最丰富的可再生资源,它不仅是宝贵的天然高分子材料宝库,其中还蕴藏着丰富的化学能量以及比较齐全的植物营养元素。